Syngenta Acelepryn GR Turf Insecticide 4kg
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For the control of African Black Beetle, Argentine Stem Weevil, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs, and other insect pests in turf.
ACELEPRYN® GR Insecticide provides unmatched, season long grub and caterpillar control in a single application. It is now available in a convenient and flexible granule formulation – ACELEPRYN® GR. The efficiency and longevity of performance means your turf spaces are protected for longer and because it is exempt from poison scheduling, PPE requirements for workers are reduced. This new no-spray option means ease of use and minimal disruption to the community. ACELEPRYN® GR controls a wide range of insect pests including African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs and several species of caterpillars including Cutworm, Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm. In New Zealand ACELEPRYN® GR is also registered for control of Tasmanian grass grub, New Zealand grass grub, Crane Fly Larvae, and Porina.
The unmatched, season long grub and caterpillar control in a convenient and flexible granule formulation. This no spray option means ease of use and minimal disruption to the community. Controls a wide range of insect pests including African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab, Billbugs and several species of caterpillars including Cutworm, Sod Webworm and Lawn Armyworm.
ACELEPRYN® GR sets a new standard in long lasting, efficient control of turf pests. The granule formulation offers you the same benefits as the liquid you know and trust, such as:
- Granular formulation that is easy to use
- Exempt from poison scheduling
- Controls a range of pests and has high turf safety
- No spray equipment required and can be used in difficult to access areas such as schools and parks
- PPE requirements for workers are reduced
- Season long control and low environmental impact
- Ease of activation with irrigation
ACELEPRYN® GR is very active against 1st and 2nd instar larvae of the most destructive turf-infesting grub species. The window for application should thus be positioned around the peak egg-laying period by adult beetles. This timing can be monitored by the increasing activity of adult beetles, usually during spring and early summer. ACELEPRYN® GR will provide excellent curative caterpillar control in turfgrass and should be applied when pests/damage is observed.
How to Use
ACELEPRYN® GR delivers excellent preventative control against a large range of common lawn pests. Optimal results are achieved when applied early in the season at the appearance of overwintering adult pests. The long residual performance ACELEPRYN® GR will provide up to 6 months of protection at the higher application rates. Curative control of pest outbreaks later in the season can also be achieved using the higher recommended application rates.
How to Apply
ACELEPRYN® GR is a ready-to-use spreadable insecticide granule. Measure the lawn area before application to determine size then weigh the amount of granules to apply over the area. Evenly spread granules over the lawn either by spreader or hand application.
Spreader application: The use of a garden spreader or professional spreader that can be calibrated for even output is recommended for optimal product performance. Use a drop type, rotary type, or handheld spreader.
- Weigh out the amount required to treat the measured area.
- Fill the spreader with granules.
- Evenly apply granules over the lawn area.
- Application may be made in one pass, or multiple passes in different directions. When applying in multiple directions, separate the weighed-out granules by the number of directions to be applied before treating each direction.
Hand Application: Hand application may be used to evenly broadcast granules over the lawn area. It is recommended to use gloves when applying by hand.
- Weigh out the amount required to treat the measured area.
- Fill a container to hand broadcast granules from.
- Evenly spread by hand, moving at a steady walking speed.
- When hand applying it is recommended to apply with multiple passes in different directions to ensure even application. Separate the weighed-out amount of granules by the number of directions to be applied before treating each direction.
After Application Wash In/Irrigation: Lightly water in immediately after application for optimal control of beetle larvae (Black beetle, Argentine scarab, Argentine stem weevil, and Billbug). Delay watering and mowing for 24 hours after application when treating your lawn for caterpillars.
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