Syngenta Posterity Turf Fungicide 500mL
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For the control of Dollar Spot, Microdochium Patch and Spring Dead Spot diseases in Turf. It is a great option to supercharge your tank mix and deal with these diseases, with power that lasts. POSTERITY sets a new standard, holding stronger for many moons.
POSTERITY is recommended for control of Dollar Spot, Microdochium Patch and Spring Dead Spot and has preventative and curative properties. POSTERITY should be applied as part of an integrated resistance management program. Preventative treatments should be applied at 14 day or 28 day intervals when conditions are favourable for disease development. Early curative treatment should be made at 28 day intervals when first signs of disease is detected. Apply the higher rate under heavy disease pressure, or if longer intervals of control is required.
- Long lasting curative and preventative control against difficult-to-control, Dollar Spot
- A formulation that is compatible with a wide range of commonly used products including PRIMO MAXX so you can supercharge your tank mix.
- A highly effective option at rates as low as 500 mL/ha to 1 L/ha.
- Balanced distribution within the plant and outstanding rainfastness – it binds quickly and strongly to the plant’s wax layer and then slowly penetrates into the plant tissue.
- A step change in Dollar Spot control vs traditional controls such as DMI fungicides containing for example, Propiconazole and Tebuconazole.
- Smarter chemistry that is exempt from poison scheduling.
POSTERITY is a Suspension Concentrate (SC) formulation that mixes readily with water and is applied as a spray. Measure the required amount of POSTERITY, add to the partly filled spray tank, and then add the remainder of the water.
Ground Application only - Apply to established turf using well maintained and accurately calibrated spray equipment. Apply evenly and in sufficient water volume, to ensure thorough coverage and uniform disease control. Apply after mowing or allow treated area to dry before mowing.
Foliar and Crown Disease (Dollar Spot, Microdochium Patch): Apply in a minimum of 350 – 800 L of water/ha using a medium to coarse droplet (e.g. Syngenta air induction XC nozzle 025 or 04) and allow the treated area to dry prior to irrigating. In higher cut turf (≥15 mm) a spray shielding effect can occur, impacting negatively on spray penetration and even coverage at low application volumes.
Root Disease (Spring Dead Spot): Apply in approximately 1000 L of water/ha using a coarse to extremely coarse droplet (e.g. Syngenta air induction XC nozzle 08). Irrigate with 6-10mm of water directly after application to wash POSTERITY into the upper root zone.
- For preventative Spring Dead Spot control, apply prior to symptom development in mid-Summer to Autumn and use the higher rate when historical disease pressure was high. Ensure application is irrigated with approximately 6 mm of water directly after application.
- To combat Dollar Spot, start the season strong with an early application of POSTERITY when conditions are favourable for disease outbreak or as an early curative application at first signs of disease. Favourable conditions include: temperatures between 15°C and 30°C, continuous high humidity, cool nights and intense dews.
- For Winter Fusarium/Microdochium Patch control, use POSTERITY as a rotation partner.
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